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Training Workshop 4: Commoning the Commons - Experiences from India

Add to Calendar 10/15/2021 05:00 AM 10/15/2021 07:00 AM America/Phoenix Training Workshop 4: Commoning the Commons - Experiences from India During the last decade, Foundation for Ecological Security has been working with communities in securing, restoring and improving the governance of the commons. Through its Prakriti Karyashala (Rural Colleges), FES has been building capacities of communities in commoning the pasture lands, forest lands and water resources. The session is designed to share the steps of Commoning of the Commons and aims to assist Practitioners and Policy Makers to undertake similar steps in their regions. Online

Date: Friday, October 15, 2021

Time: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.

Capacity: no limit. If you register for the general conference you may attend this workshop without special registration.

Language:  English

Subrata Singh, Foundation for Ecological Security – India
Pratiti Priyadarshini, Foundation for Ecological Security – India

With the competing demands over the lands, the common lands particularly the wastelands have been a category that are most easily diverted for various public purposes without consideration of the large rural populations dependent on such resources for ecological and livelihood needs. While all the lands were available to the communities for meeting their basic needs, the governments took over the governance of such lands through the process of land settlement with small portions allocated for the purpose of grazing and other needs. The communities continue to use the resources as de-facto commons. The Supreme Court of India has through its judgments has held that the ‘natural resources’ constitute ‘elements having intrinsic utility to mankind’ providing ‘economic and social services to human society, the “Natural resources belong to the people but the State legally owns them on behalf of its people and from that point of view natural resources are considered as national assets, more so because the State benefits immensely from their value”.

During the last decade, Foundation for Ecological Security has been working with communities in securing, restoring and improving the governance of the commons. Through its Prakriti Karyashala (Rural Colleges), FES has been building capacities of communities in commoning the pasture lands, forest lands and water resources. The session is designed to share the steps of Commoning of the Commons and aims to assist Practitioners and Policy Makers to undertake similar steps in their regions.