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35Created by MRKfrom the Noun Project
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October 11 - 15, 2021





For IASC members only

September 1, 2021

September 15, 2021

Add to Calendar 10/11/2021 07:00 AM 10/15/2021 10:00 AM America/Phoenix IASC 2021 General Conference Online, Worldwide


Welcome to the

IASC 2021 General Conference

Aim & Scope

The aim of the general conference is to focus on cross-cutting themes via panels, multi-stakeholder workshops and training workshops, as well as membership meetings and networking events. We also provide an opportunity to meet the editors-in-chief of the International Journal of the Commons and announce the Elinor Ostrom Awards.

Since we have a series of topical conferences earlier in 2021, this general meeting focuses on cross-cutting topics. We will not accept contributions that are focused on one type of commons (fisheries, forest, water, knowledge, etc), since we aim to stimulate debates across domains. The events will be live streamed. We do not include individual paper presentations at this general meeting, which can be given at the topical conferences.

The Conference

At a Glance (Click on buttons for details)


Meet Other Participants

Tips & Tricks for the Conference



The focus of a webinar is debate on cross-cutting topics related to the commons. Panelists may make short statements after which there is a moderated discussion during which questions from the audience are addressed. The duration of the webinar is 1 hour.

A multi-stakeholder workshop provides a podium for knowledge exchange on the commons across different social actors. These Workshop sessions can take various formats (e.g., roundtable, workshop, living lab, open discussion, etc.) and will be structured around a particular question or challenge and composed by at least two different stakeholders (e.g., citizen, practitioner, company, policymaker, researcher, activist). The maximum duration of a multi-stakeholder is 2 hours.

A training workshop aims to provide practical training to a method or approach used in commons research or commons practice.

Short films and artistic works related to the commons, interviews or other online activities.

Online Conference

No hassle, costs, or carbon emissions from traveling. Attend the entire conference safely from home.

Five Days

Five days of workshops and live panel discussions.

Meetup and Network

Interact with your peers during networking events.


Important Dates

September 1, 2021

Deadline for abstract submission

September 1, 2021
September 15, 2021

Notification on acceptance/rejection

September 15, 2021
October 11-15, 2021

Event dates

October 11-15, 2021



This virtual conference is intended for IASC members only and free of charge. If you are not an IASC member, you can become a member here

IASC Members


Event Sponsors

Interact with other participants in our

Meeting Room

During the conference, you will be able to mingle with other participants in our Wonder Room that will be available during the entire conference (from The video below gives a simple introduction on how to use the platform. Once you log into the conference website you’ll find information about the location of the Wonder Room.

Our recommendations

Tips and Tricks for the conference

You can contact us at for the following issues

“I lost my conference key”
“I need a certificate of conference participation

How to get the most out of the IASC 2021 General Virtual Conference

Welcome to IASC 2021 General Virtual Conference! We are excited to have you on board! Whether this is your first time attending a virtual conference, or if this is one of many that you have experienced, we would like to give you some tips to increase your focus and make the most of your time during this event.

Block off your calendar

When we attend an in-person conference, part of what makes it special is being away from home, office, and our usual daily routine. We suggest that you do the same for this virtual conference. Let your employers, students, colleagues, and family know that you are immersing yourself in this 5-day conference. We are offering real-time panel discussions and networking events. Get the real-time events that you want to attend onto your calendar first.

Interact with other participants

Encourage friends and colleagues to attend the conference with you. Utilize the discussion board to ask questions and create dialogues about various points of view. Schedule 1-on-1 virtual meet-ups with people you meet during our various events. Throughout the conference, a virtual meeting place will be available for you to interact with other attendees at any time. We will be using the platform.

Let this event have a lasting impact

After the conference, the recordings of the panels will still be available to you. Stay connected to the participants you met while networking. As an IASC member keep informed via the biweekly newsletter, send contributions for the newsletter, and consider to organize an IASC event in the future. Questions? Contact Caren Burgermeister at