Multistakeholder Workshop 2: The Great Renaissance: healing commons and technology for self-determination

Add to Calendar 10/12/2021 05:00 AM 10/12/2021 07:00 AM America/Phoenix Multistakeholder Workshop 2: The Great Renaissance: healing commons and technology for self-determination The contributors of this discussion are two Latin American researchers and two Latin American community leaders, whose perceptions and insights about the central topic are based on their trajectories and affiliations with North and South countries. The discussion builds upon a brief exposition of Northern and Southern narratives on Latin American commons, drawn from the literature. Three groups of questions will help guiding the discussion, however, attendees are encouraged to participate in the discussion by directing questions to the panelists and sharing their thoughts. Online

Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Time: 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.

Language:  English

Fabio Balli, – Switzerland
Janis Timm-Bottos, Art Hives – Canada
Ugo Mattei, IUC Turin – Italy
Marguerite Mendell, Concordia University – Canada
Luis Falcon, GNU Solidario – Spain
Rania Wazir, Vienna Data Science Group – Austria
Ben Viatte – India
Madeleine Laugeri, Emerging Change Model – Switzerland
Jon Schull, Enable – USA

Our joy of life improves when we feel actors of our life, it declines when restrictions are imposed on us (Ng et al, 2012). During this workshop, we will explore how thousands of humans can cooperate to solve global crises far more rapidly, adequately, and cheaper than governments or corporations.

We will build on the practice and research on commons, pioneered by Dr Elinor Ostrom, first woman awarded the Nobel in economics, and Dr Stefano Rodotà, who led the Italian commission recommending that access to resources depend on their social purpose rather than who owns them.

Participants will be invited to join an interactive discussion, and co-create a shared vision with the hosts.